LAST UPDATED: 08.20.23

As an anarchist putting together a diner from nothing but a dream, I often have needs that I don't know how to fulfill.
This page serves to give you - the reader, the supporter, the friend - a handy-dandy list to scan to see if anything I need is something you can do.

Networking Needs
please e-mail me at if you know someone with the following skillsets.
please keep your recs local. I appreciate that your cousin in Iceland makes excellent art; this diner runs on Portland.

someone who makes soap (i would like to donate an excessive amnt of bacon fat to them for the rest of ever) really thats it right now. lmao. Physical Labor Needs:

TASK: Food running/order taking
WHEN: During popups
PAY: 25$, more if i can swing it
Must be able to withstand Heat
Must be unafraid to stand for 2 to 4 hours (popups can be busy)
It'd be nice if you could be loud but I can be loud
Experience with expo'ing/food service a bonus
Food Handler's Card - just covering my bases
Please be willing to wear a mask

During the first round of popups, over the fall and winter, I'll need probably 2 or 3 people willing to help with order-taking and food-running. Not sure exactly what that'll look like. It'll probably just be me at first anyway.
if you wanna sweat with me for 2 to 6 hours during popups, shoot me a line at peoplesdiner at proton dot me letting me know your experience, availability, and accessibility needs. Thanks.

Equipment Needs:
- at least 4 sterno things (potatoes, gravy, hollandaise, biscuits)
- 2 toasters. If the Roxy could rock friday nights with two 4-slot toasters then by fucking jeez I will too.
- a ticket rail. I'm a silly dreamer. I think this shit's funny as hell.
- a cooler for prepped shit
- the dream: a lowboy. lemme plug in a tiny fridge with a sandwich board on top. god.
- I think it'd be really funny to find a way to purchase these two waffle makers. Spot the misogyny.

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