If you're here, it's because you scanned a QR code somewhere, and you clicked the 'all night' button, which means you have an innate curiousity, and I'm aiming to satisfy it. The TL;DR is that 24 hour diners save lives and I'm gonna fucking open one, because capitalists can't do anything right, and I'm sure as hell not one of those. Follow the Patreon for more info; and if you want to be in the real loop, my Signal is quest.69. Message me with DINER TIME and you'll be privy to my angry anarchist thoughts as I make this happen. I've also set up a tumblr. The tumblr will be raw and furious all the time. If you can't figure out what the tumblr blog name is, I can't help you. That's what I've got 'til I have someone better at web design than me.
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